How Wasting A Food is Leading The Earth Towards The Climate Change!

Writing about the food waste is not a novel subject. From the beginning of the Industrial revolution to the current date, food waste and management is being considered as a brain storming. Afterwords, UNWFO (United Nations World Food Organization) has performed so many tasks to minimise the hunger index of the entire World. Currently India ranks 94/107 in the World Hunger Index Ranking, apparently last year India ranked 102/117.

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Despite the Hunger, Can Food Waste Lead Us to The Climate Change?

The world is currently fighting against the Global Pandemic. During the period of the lockdown in several parts of the world, there were fabulous changes were seen in the Climate and in the atmosphere as well; as we tasted a clean air. While observing the climate change, the World Food Organization and the World Food Program have researched about the Food Hunger and Climate Change.

Eventually, the conclusion was that the food waste is leading the Earth towards the severe climate issues. 

Almost 1.4 Billion Tones of the food is being wasted or lost (as of October, 2020).

How Food Waste is Related To The Climate Change?

The main reason behind the food waste is the lack of management and storage capacity. When we waste a food it is not a waste of the environment only, but also of the packaging cost, harvesting and cultivation, water resources and storing, transport cost, etc. 

Also, when the food gets dump into the land areas or on the fields, after sometimes it recast with the environment and creates the methane gas; which is greenhouse gas and has more potential then the Carbon Dioxide. This is a fact that when a food is being wasted, it decomposes and creates harmful gases. 

However, food waste is responsible for at least 6% to 7% of the global greenhouse emission.

Food Waste is responsible for the creation of around 3 Billion Tones of Greenhouse gases per year. 

As a country it would be the 3rd largest greenhouse gas producer after the U.S.A. and China.  - The World Food Program

How As A Citizens We Can Help The Environment!

The key rule of saving the environment from the food wastage is Stop Wasting A Food! It's simple, isn't it!

There are other major parameters like;

1) Only buy what you actually need. 

2) Do not store a food unnecessarily or if you do not want it. 

3) Utilize the food which is on the edge of it's expiry date.

4) Check the date of manufacturing of the food before you buy it.

5) Plan your meals ahead.

6) Store the food in the refrigerator and prevent it from spoiling.

7) If the food is not edible and spoiled then differentiate between the dry food waste and wet food Waste while dumping and dispose it in a proper manner.


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