Hyperloop Train At Speed of 1200 KMs, To Run Between Mumbai to Pune.

What if I say that a train called Hyper loop can reach at the maximum speed of 1200 KM/H? Its something out of the box thinking. The Hyper loop provides you the seamless experience to travel around the globe. There are few countries, which are on the edge of finishing way for this project. Exploring about the Hyper loop technology is something unique and interesting. In India, the Maharashtra government under the leadership of former CM Shri Devendra Fadnavis, announced that there will be a Hyper loop train which will connect the two mega cities; Mumbai and Pune.

(image Source : pixabay.com / illusionary purpose only)

What First Travelers of The Hyper loop Train Says!

Co-founder of Virgin Hyper loop, Josh Giegel and the Head of Passenger Experience, Sara Luchian were on board for the first travel run. They both travelled in the second generation of Hyper loop pod, codenamed XP-2, the "Pegasus Pod". XP-2 was also designed to comfortably seat and support two passengers.

It was the most memorable 15 seconds of my entire life! - Tanay Manjrekar (Engineer From Pune Who Works For Virgin Hyper loop)

Tanay Manjrekar has become the very 1st Indian to travel in Hyper loop, at the USA Test trails facilities. He travelled in the test pod for 500 meters of distance.  

What is Hyper loop?

Hyper loop is a new and innovative way of the road transportation or ground transportation. As stated, it is under the development of many infra-tech companies for the customer use. Hyper loop is capable to carry and travel passengers with the maximum speed of 1200 KM/H or 700 M/H; in floating road conditions in which there will be a use of giant low pressure tubes which is planned to be fitted above or below ground level. 

How Hyper loop is Different and How Does It Works!

There are two major differences while talking about the hyper loop train project and comparing with the traditional one.

1) It travels from the tubes or tunnels (consisting a way of tubes) which is mounted above or below ground level, through which there is absence of air and reduces friction. this conditions allows the pods to travel a loop for 1200 KM/H speed. 

2) It does not have any sort of wheels like a traditional trains and cars, it has Pods. These pods are capable and designed to float in the air using the formal idea of the magnetic levitation concept or the hockey table. It is also helpful to reduce the friction.

Benefits of Hyper loop

1) It is a cheaper and faster way for travelling.

2) It does not produce any type of pollution like road and air travel.

3) It makes travelling easier and one can have the access for the maximum cities in a very short time.

4) It will be responsible to unlock the more infra-tech projects and will be beneficial for economy and environment both.

When Will The First Hyper loop Will Be Available For Public Use?

So many companies are preparing for the hyper loop concept, and to give it for commercial purposes. Hyper loop is still under the development even though the test ride is successfully completed. It was scheduled to run in the end of the year 2020, but after the pandemic, the date is extended.

In Which Cities Hyper loop Will First Run?

It is not confirmed that exactly where this project will be available for the commercial use, but many companies have decided their route, for India, the USA, Europe and many more places. Here, the potential places for the Hyper loop is mentioned, where the project is to be planned for commission.

1)  Mumbai to Pune, India - 147 KM Distance

2) Vijayawada to Amaravati, India - 784 KM Distance

3) New York to Washington DC, The USA - 226 KM Distance

4) Kansas City to St. Louis, The USA - 247 KM Distance

5) Bratislava to Brno, Slovakia (EU) - 129 KM Distance and many more.


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