Historical Facts About Indian Constitution

Historical Facts About Indian Constitution The constitution is a system of the fundamental principles and laws, according to which a nation, state, are being governed. In a simple term it is a book of law for a particular nation. Checks and Balances are the tripartite of the Indian government. The Indian constitution is the longest ever written in the world. With 22 Parts, 12 Schedules, 5 appendices and 448 Articles (at present). The Constitution of the United State of America on September 17, 1787 signed the smallest written constitution as a Nation. It had 13 states at that time. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison are the founding father of the constitutional laws in the USA. It had provided the house of representatives. Monaco (country in Europe) has the shortest ever written book of law for national governing with 3814 words. ( Image Source : unsplash.com ) Also Read - Why The Government Is Making A New Parliament? Where Are The Original Copies of Indian Constitution? ...