Why The Government of India is Making A New Parliament?

We all know that the Parliament of India is a supreme legislative body of the Republic of India. It follows the bicameralism legislature, which composes the President and the two houses of India; which are the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha. The parliament building is almost 93 years old as of the year 2020.

(Image Source : pixabay.com)

Who Made The Parliament of India?

Bharatiya Sansad or Indian Parliament was designed by the British architects Sir Edwin Lutyens and Sir Herbert Baker. In 1921, the construction work of the Parliament was being carried out under the British rule and in 1927, the all new Parliament was in frame. Currently the Parliament has 545 seats, among which 542 were elected directly and the two were appointed bt the President of India or we can say indirectly. The new parliament will have at least the capacity of 1350 MPs in house. According to the reports, the idea of new Parliament is being criticised by the opposition. 

Need of The New Parliament 

India is a country where it manages the 135+ Cr. of population and the number of MPs or Public representatives are not so enough for them. The current building of Parliament is showing the signs of the overuse and distress, said the Government to the Parliament. Also, the current parliament does not have the additional space for more MPs. According to the Government, the new Parliament building will have more space and more seating capacity for the Member of the Lok Sabha and India will have the major amount of the Constituencies. 

How The New Parliament Will Look Like?

The new parliament will have a triangular shape. The chamber of the Lok Sabha will be 3 times bigger and the chamber of the Rajya Sabha will be 4 times bigger than the current one. It will also have the new ramp for the Rajpath (Rashtrapati Bhavan to the India Gate). The new parliament promises to have a new Central Secretariat. This construction will take about 21 Months for making a new parliament. 

Is There A Shortage of the Members of Parliament?

Well, of course the Parliament is facing a shortage of the MPs, because the current parliament does not have enough space to give its MPs more seats. For understanding this scenario, we will try to compare the Constituencies of India in 1951 General Elections vs 2019 General Elections. In 1951 there were total 489 constituencies and as of 2019 General Elections there were total 543 constituencies. The population rate in 1951 was around 35 Cr. and in 2019 around 135 Cr.; which means there was 1 MP per 7 Lakh people in 1951 and in 2019 there was 1 MP per 23 Lakh people. 

According to the Government of India, the population of India was increasing at a doubling rate and the total number of MPs were not being increased since 1977. 

Who Will Build The New Parliament?

According to the CPWD (Central Vista Redevelopment Project), the new parliament will be constructed close to the older one. The Tata Projects Limited has won the bid to reconstruct the new Parliament. It is expected to be get finished in 21 Months from the date of start. The cost for making the new parliament will be 861.90 Cr.

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