To Survive Our Global Economy, We Should Have To Work Along With The Nature; Not Averse to The Nature.

Global Recession, Low GDP Rates, Burden of Debt and what not! According to the World Economic Forum, the US is facing around 40M job losses. UN World Health Organization has issued a report saying that the Future of Economy is not that much better as it was before. 

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To survive the Global Economy amidst Pandemic, we have to work along with the Nature. This sentence looks like synonyms to something, isn't it? You'll know further if it is not. 

What's The Current Scenario!

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Every country has a mass growth rate of Industrial Development and Deforestation. Nations are believing that the Industrialization will prevent the Recession and will create more jobs for Citizens. Although it is somehow near to the truth. 

Many countries have a specific book of law for the Nature. They are believing that the work environment with the Nature will be more enthusiastic and more Vibrant or Environment friendly then working averse to the Nature. 

Did you know that the business as usual (it means no precautions in terms of Environment Safety) is making our Planet unlivable and more unethical. If our planet is beautiful and vibrant, then only one reason is responsible for it which is Biodiversity. Biodiversity is vanishing at unprecedented rate. 

The Half of the whole world's GDP, which is around $44 Trillion is threatened by the Nature loss. At this date (when this article is being written) around 1M species are on the edge of extinction. 

Which Parameters To Be Get Considered While Saving Our Mother Nature!

1) The Management of Food, Land and Ocean Systems

• The Management of Food, Land and Ocean is necessary because these are the only things which are being polluted. These 3 things are the most sensitive in terms of getting polluted by Chemical waste, Bio waste, food waste, construction waste, oil spills and etc. 

2) Infrastructure and Build Environment

• For making big flyovers, Highways and other Infrastructures which contains shopping malls, industrial areas; there's a theft of Deforestation. There should be some different options except the Deforestation. Also, our Build Environment should be more eco-friendly. Constructional waste or Buildings material waste must be recycled.

3) How We Produce Energy and Extract Resources

• The amount of fossil fuels which is being used today, has a big role for polluting our Environment. We know that without extracting the fossil fuels, our transportation and other facilities won't be able to work. We have an option for Bio-Fuel and Wind Energy, which should be admired and the use of Electric Vehicles should be promoted.

These 3 sectors are accounting almost a 3rd of our Global Economy and 2/3 of world job creation. 

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To shift these sectors from Fossils to Natural Energy, is not an easy task; but it can create a massive Benefits.

By 2030, this opportunities could be worth at least $10.1 Trillion and can create more businesses and jobs. It is capable to provide almost 395 Million Jobs. But only a government alone isn't capable to do so; as we as a citizen just jump in. Businesses and Citizens have to come forward to revive this planet and to revive the Global Economy. 

So now you have the answer as to why we should keep up with nature.

How Will You Contribute To a Nature Positive Economy?


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