How The Pharma Companies Get Volunteers for Vaccine Trials | Risk Factors | Global Pandemic

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, all the citizens and netizens are questioning about the cure of it, the Vaccine. Globally there are so many countries which are developing the cure for Covid-19.

Countries like India, USA, UK, Russia, etc. Some countries are Developing the vaccines indigenously, whereas some institutions are developing it with the partnership like Serum and Gavi. They all are gathering Volunteers for Vaccine's  Clinical Trials


In India, Zydus Cadilla, the Serum Institute of India, Bharat Biotech are the top players among the developers for Covid-19 Vaccine. 

1) Bharat Biotech - COVAXIN
2) Zydus Cadilla - ZyCov-D
3) SII's Vaccine for Covid-19


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There are plenty of phases and stages for testing a vaccine for any cure. Every Vaccine trials gets volunteer supports, so in Covid-19 too. 

Plethora Volunteers came for Covid-19 vaccine trials. Participating in Vaccine Trials is not easy, it comes with the responsibility and risks. Factors are high and dangerous. 

In India, CTRI (Clinical Trials Registry of India) gives the information and enrollment details. Also it provides the whole information about Vaccine like name of developer, institute where vaccine is developed, investigator's profile, etc. 

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If someone wants to participate in the vaccine trials, he/she has to call directly after knowing details of Vaccine, at nearer hospital where vaccine trials are being performed. The information will be provided in CTRI Official Website

The Registration Details involves, the whole body structure of a volunteer. Vaccine developers ensures the details like, cough, fever, blood pressure, weight, mass, allergic reactions, Current symptoms etc. Volunteers are being tested for Covid-19 through RT-PCR. People with Covid-19 disease or with antibodies against SARA COV-2 will be rejected

Every Vaccine has its own clinical trials and circumstances. Although, volunteers need to be prepared and they should make them available for Developer, whenever they need them to inspect and examine.

Vaccine trials have so many terms and conditions like, for Male and Female, there are respectively different conditions which should be followed. You can find it out in CTRI or Vaccine Developer's portfolio


  1. It's a best work done by jaldip. And I am happy and respect all those participants who are enrolling there names for vaccine trials. Jai hind����

  2. Good work bhai keep going
    Jay Hind 🇮🇳


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